
About the work

Martín Huerta
The Cantata is based on the book Memoria del Fuego, Tomo 1: Los Nacimientos (Genesis. Memory of Fire Trilogy, Part 1) by Eduardo Galeano, which includes chronicles, accounts and outlines about the historical period of the American continent, from pre-Columbian era until early 18th century. It is about the 'discovery', conquest, and struggle of the native ethnic groups of the continent.

The author reflects about the usurpation experienced by native America, not only referred to natural and cultural riches, but to the usurpation of the historical memory. Assuming that 'history' is not neutral, he proposes and takes unofficial history's side, the side of conquered ones. He incorporates unheard voices, from a solid documentary basis provided by Galeano's bibliographic review for his book.

The work has a similar structure to Latin American cantatas, where there is a narrator, who in this case reads some passages from the book. There are instrumental introductions in all the themes that form the cantata. The choral sections are extensive; they concentrate the interpretive strength and express the central idea of reconstruction of the historical memory of the native America.

The music, lyrics, paintings, and drawings are original. The author is Martín Huerta. The work is performed by 'Friends and Collaborators of the Cantata Memorias del Fuego'.



Pictures of the performance at Espacio Matta (November 2012). Photos by Paula Ron.

The avant-premiére of the Cantata Memorias del Fuego was in January 2010. The premiére was on 25th November, 2010, at the Metropolitan University of Education Sciences. The second performance was the day after, at the Patrimonial Center Recoleta Dominica.


Pictures from the première at the Metropolitan University of Education Sciences. Photos by Jorge Bravo.